Innovation Factory
The Foundation TE-S has set up a Innovation Factory, to support projects and organizations involved in launching innovative projects based on new technologies.
1 % for public benefit organization
In the year 2009 you may want to transfer 1% of your income tax for a public benefit organization.
The Socio-Economic Society is an apolitical foundation initiated by Halina Janiszewska, Paweł Gajzler, Jacek Galinowski, Jarosław Jabłonowski, Grzegorz Kruszyński and Jarosław Roszkowski. It is the continuation of the work of 60 businessmen and scholars over a number of years.
The objectives of the Society are: organising and supporting education, chiefly in the field of Economics and the Social sciences; promoting entrepreneurship; initiating business involvement in state and social institutions; popularising knowledge of economic market mechanisms; promoting Polish socio-economic achievements within the country and abroad; helping Poland join the mainstream of the world economy and supporting state and social institutions that protect Polish national heritage.
The Socio-Economic Society is run by its members, acclaimed experts, who are prepared to put their knowledge and expertise at the service of others in the community, promoting professionalism and high ethical standards in trade, industry freelance professions and private business enterprise. The members of the Socio-Economic Society participate in the activities of opinion-forming bodies dealing with economic policy. They support economic initiatives (Poland’s membership of the European Union), and those promoting the development of a market economy. The Foundation TE-S has set up "Innovation Factory" to support projects and organizations involved in launching innovative projects based on new technologies. |